Monday, March 28, 2011

I just did wha-?

I had just left a message to Gino on his blog. It's weird that suddenly he just popped up in my mind and I started missing him badly. So i went online to search for him and then I found out that... K One had disbanded over 3 years ago. =.='''

why oh why am I always that slow?

it was just a few months ago when suddenly I came upon F4‘s (yes, THE F4 with Vanness and Vic those bunch...) video and I started thinking, 'hey, they aint that bad... lets give their music a try!' and then only realized I had been 10 freaking years too late. =_______________='''

Miss Kang, 你到底怎么了?

好遗憾哦!时间过得那么快。。。现在的我根本回不到那少年疯狂的时代了。。。 T.T (Imagine me standing in front of some idol's stage at a concert and screaming and jumping about going 'KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa'.... *shudders*) 但我好想念以前。。。


然后就喜欢上K One的G老大。一看他就觉得这个人帅帅帅!!!帅毙了!那时才16岁,什么事都只看外表。现在想起来,难怪娱乐圈那么现实;也那么容易骗小朋友。 xD

现在长大了。但在心内的某个地方然而有他们的背影。就好像不是我陪他们长大,而是他们陪着我成长。 好想念你们哦。。。




我能活在这个世界上,为这些每天辛苦工作的艺人们加油打气,献上我满满的祝福,那我能活得多快乐啊。反正我对他们的好意又不会妨碍到别人~ 自己开心,人家也快乐。那就是我活着的動機! <3

Lets spread the love folks~ Spread the LOVE~

God bless all of you!

I love you guys!

HL ^^